Voting Day for Sarah!
So, I experienced my first vote today. I feel like I've done my civic duty! Although, I did have a moment of panic when I left the polling area. I thought chose Bush/Cheney instead of the Johns, but I'm sure that even on my worst days I wouldn't do that. Now the only thing to do is hope that the rest of the nation is as smart as I am! Just kidding. Well, not really ;) I do wish I could see the results throughout the day instead of sitting here pondering the well being of the country for the next four years and working myself into a frenzy worrying about what could happen should Bush return to office. I wish I could say that I have faith in our country to choose what's really best, but I'm afraid that a good majority of Americans don't really have the social conscience that I wish they did. I'm afraid that most Americans would rather have thier kids attend failing schools and doom their grandkids to a lifetime of smog and gasmasks than give up their right to drive SUV's and have our military smash the crap out of other "different" nations. And really, as far as our military goals go, why are we fighting for foriegn oil sources when we have scientists that could create other forms of energy?? Isn't anyone the least bit surprised that our cars get the same crummy gas mileage that they have been for years? With all the scientific breakthroughs in computers, and the food industry, and the clothing industry and almost every other industry in the world, why can't we create more fuel efficient cars? Or why not create cars that can run on other forms of fuel? Why aren't these hybrid cars being better developed? And why do you think they're so ugly? Thats right. The oil companies. Do you think they'll work with car manufacturers who are developing cars that don't need their product? Of course not!
I could go into quite a few conspiracy theories that I've stumbled into as of late. For example, about a month or two ago, a friend showed me a short flash video from a site called about the 9/11 pentagon attack. It was claiming that the pentagon wasn't attacked by a commercial flight at all, but rather a missle. There was no plane wreckage as far as I can see around the pentagon. And of course, now that I'm looking for the video to show other people, it's mysteriously been removed from any site that previously hosted it. Hmm... kinda makes you think doesn't it? If you're kinda curious like me, check out this site, if it's still up.
Well, whatever, that's enough scary conspiracy theory crap for now. My weekend was pretty interesting. Marvin and I went to Madison for Halloween for probably the last time. He had never experienced a Madison Halloween before, and I think he liked it. He really enjoyed seeing the spectacle on State Street. While there, Alyssa, a good friend from high school, asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. I'm totally honored. :) Alyssa and Mike make a great couple, and I'm really excited to support them in their wedding. They're getting married two weeks after Court and Josh, for whom I'm the Maid of Honor, so it's going to be a busy month for all of us! I also got the chance to clean up a bunch of drunk-guy puke, which is gross, but it was really my own fault. If I could just get it into my head that I'm not personally responsible for everyone who drinks too much and pukes, I wouldn't get stuck doing that crummy job all the time. Well, whatever.
Now, it's time for another week. Well, I suppose it's already been another week for two days already. Ugh. I just can't wait for this semester to be done and over with.
Well, I suppose, homework calls. Off I go to await the results of our nation's decision making.
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