Here's what I think about the Thais
Alright, so one of the main headlines recently has been the military coup that happened in Thailand. Apparently the military got sick of the corruption that Thai Prime Minister Thaksin has supposedly been involved in, and staged a bloodless coup. The majority of the Thai people support the coup. Major democratic nations, including the US have denounced the coup, and the United States is currently reviewing whether it should continue to grant aid to Thailand, since the "civilian" government has been deposed via a military coup.
Honestly, I think, more power to the Thais. The overwhelming majority of the Thai people are happy for the coup. This coup was completely non-violent. Not a bullet was fired, not a life was lost. It is becoming more and more apparent that Thaksin was indeed corrupt. And as far as the coup being undemocratic, I think that democracy is about the will of the people. Obviously this coup has been the will of the people. The military in command right now are ratifying their own constitution, instead of ruling by direct mandate. They have promised to put a civilian Prime Minister in place. Whether or not that will actually happen remains to be seen, but at least the initial gesture has been made.
As far as democratic nations denouncing the coup goes, it seems to me that we have forgotten how we got to be our own nations. If I recall my grade school history correctly (and maybe I'm not, it's been a while), we had something called the Revolutionary War here in the United States a while back. From what I remember, people took up arms against the British government, and a fairly bloody battle ensued. And we got democracy from it. And the French had their own revolution that turned awfully bloody. And they kept having them too! They didn't just stop at one. Everytime they got upset with something, they overthrew their government. But yet, there's a problem with the Thais staging a bloodless coup that the citizens support.
I, personally, support the Thai people right now for doing what they need to do.
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