10 of my pet peeves
1) Guys in trucks who think that the louder their engine, the cooler they are. GET A MUFFLER!! seriously...
2) People who feel the need to bring their personal problems to work consistently
3) The guys who live above me, who I swear to god, perform a ritualistic human sacrifice every Monday night, and then celebrate drunkenly for the rest of the week.
4) People who try to be klever by spelling things that start with "C" with a "K." For example : Al's Krazy Kitchen. I'm sorry Al, but it kan't be that Krazy if that's the most klever thing you kan kome up with. (ok I realize that was lame to replace all the c's in that sentence with k's, but I was making a point)
5) Bridal shower games. No one, and I mean no one, likes to sit and watch a bride fumble around hopelessly with a blind fold on while trying to pick up pink cotton balls with a spoon. No one.
6) People who replace the "cks" sound at the end of words with an "x." Example: It rox that these blox are made out of Jello and sox. Thats right, Jello and socks. gross huh? It's even grosser without "cks."
7) Messanger-ese. Just spell out the dang words already. Does it really take any longer to type "was" than it does to type "wuz?" We could do with a few more people with proper typing/spelling/grammar skills (or I'm sorry, skilz).
8) Christian rock. I know it has a good message and all and its supposed to be uplifting, but its just SO CHEESY! Seriously, at least try to be somewhat musically original! I read an article once where the author drew a creepy connection between most Christian rock and a lot of cheesy pop love ballads. So true, so true.
9) The writing in most men's/women's magazines these days. Pick up a Cosmopolitan or a Men's Health and flip to one of their quizzes and you'll see what I mean. "What do you do to make your hot hunk feel like he's the King Kong of his jungle?" What does that mean?? It doesn't even make sense!
-also, along with this one: people who believe that what's written about in these magazines actually happens in most people's lives. Wake up and smell reality!
10) The way most girls act in relationships. They play stupid mind games and have all these crazy expectations that just don't happen. I've learned. If you want something to happen, state it explicitly and thoroughly several times in small, easy to remember phrases.