Mmmmm...tastes like..Blogging...

This blog is in the middle of a restructuring, and a focusing. Will it be about my baking projects?? Will it be about my life as a student? Who knows??

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I'm a boxer!!

Since I still don't want to study, it's time to play the punch in the face game! The rules are simple...I'm going to list 5 people I would really really like to punch in the face. Not a weak limp-wristed slap, but a good wallop right on the kisser. And, since I'm a girl, I can list anyone I want... even other girls. Hooray! For you guys out there who want to play, no hitting ladies please. And without further ado, the five people who get punched in the face by me!

1) Bill O'Reilly
2) Lindsay Lohan (she's representative of all the terrible teeny bopper no talent pop "singers" out there)
3) Jerry Falwell
4) Anna Nicole Smith
5) John Ashcroft

HA take THAT people I don't like! I just pretended to punch you in the face!! Now don't you feel bad about being someone that I don't like?!? haHA! (ok that was over the top, I know).

We three kings of Orient are..smoking on a rubber was loaded and exploded all over Orientar.

Christmas has officially begun!

So, I got my first Christmas present today, which must mean that it's Christmas, right? Somehow I don't think that studying on Christmas is right. I should ask my professors about that one. Hmm.. In anycase, Marvin never does seem to be able to wait until Christmas to give out his gifts. He's like a little boy. No patience whatsoever:) Last year I had to convince him to wait until at least after Thanksgiving before beginning the gifting process. Kinda funny actually. In anycase, the first installment of Christmas came in the form of a oil pourer bottle thingy and some bread dipping oil. MMMM!! Of course I had to run out right away and buy some bread and make a big oily bready seasoning-y mess of myself and my kitchen. Much fun was had by me!

Of course, now I'm finding wonderful excuses to procrastinate in doing the last big blob of homework I've got for this semester. If I could just not study, and know it, that would be the best thing ever. I can't stand studying anymore. Makes me want to throw my books out the window.....and then go outside and get them and start studying again. But throwing the books would be quite theraputic. Except I've got screens on my windows, so what would really happen, would be that I would throw them at the window, they'd bounce back and hit me in the head, and then I'd pass out and wake up to realize that finals are over, and I've flunked because I've missed all of them. Hmm... at least I wouldn't have to take the tests that way...hmmm....

A lot of this is really my own fault though. If I wouldn't sit around and procrastinate by doing things like blogging, I'd probably have a lot more done by now. Or by going out for dinner and a few drinks last night with some friends. BUT I had an excuse. It was Mitch's birthday yesterday, AND one of Marvin's last opportunities to go out for a long time AND import bottle night at Blue Bricks, which is one of my favorite places in Mankato. As long as its not a Friday or Saturday night. Blues music, relaxed atmosphere, good food, what more can you ask for? If anyone wants to come to Mankato, I'll take you there.

The sun's not yellow, it's chicken.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Everyone say Hi to Mr Smithereen

"Hi Mr Smithereen!" So, I've got a new reader! Hooray! I'm not sure why random people who don't know me would find my strange weird blog and sense of humor worth reading, but we'll take it! I feel popular when I find out more people have decided to check into my blog.

Anyways, on with the show: Christmas shopping is underway! I love finding random things that I know people will like. It's fun. What's not fun is the fact that this stuff costs money, of which I don't have much. It would be much better if, temporarily for Christmas, everything was free!! I know I know, any economists reading that last sentence are pulling their hair out. Market economy, free enterprise, capitalism blah blah blah. In any case, I think I've done well so far in finding some good gifts for people.

I'm pretty excited about the latest development in my Public Achievement group. We've decided to work towards taking a field trip to the State capital sometime in the spring! Wahoo! Travelling with a bunch of twelve year old girls should be an interesting undertaking. I think they really want to go to shop at the Mall of America, but too bad for them! Bwahahahaha! Hmm...I just turned into an evil Public Achievement coach. How'd that happen? I'm getting a state representative to come in and talk to my girls too. How do girls that age get so interested in politics anyways? I think it's kind of cool.

And now...on to finals week! A week of taking stupid tests and writing stupid papers. Hooray! BUT, after that, I'll be DONE!!! At least for a month. That'll be nice. Then, I'll be helping Marvin get ready to go as much as I can, and we'll begin the journey into The Unknown. The Unknown, of course, meaning Colorado Springs. It sounds much more mysterious if I call it The Unknown though, so I may stick with that.

Hey!!! You know what else is exciting??? It's Christmas time, and guess what that means???? Constant viewing of White Christmas is now acceptable!! Hooray! My favorite movie can finally be pulled out and dusted off and watched without fear of disparaging looks from my roommies. Not as if that really stopped me in August, but at least now, I can feel Christmassy for a reason.

Rock the Casbah.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004 house has turned into a brothel!

So, I'm gone for one night, and my apartment turns into a house of sin. I don't get it! Apparently last night, one of my roommates invited friends from her hometown down to visit Mankato. Two guys. One of these guys was a guy that she ended up making out with this weekend after breaking up with her boyfriend. The other one is a guy who gave her sister crabs. YUCK YUCK YUCK!! So, I guess the two guys and my two roommies decided to play Presidents and Assholes (we'll call my roommies J and B for now...B being the one who invited these guys). The two guys and J drank, B doesn't drink. And somehow, SOMEHOW, B ended up sleeping with Crabmaster Flash, and J ended up sleeping with the guy that B made out with this weekend, while a third girl they were hanging out with was left all alone in my living room.

Does anyone else find this as absolutely reprehensible as I do?? I'm absolutely disgusted! AND glad that I wasn't around for any of this, and that it was all over with when I got home. So, in summary, I'm in the market for a new roommate for next year. Anyone know anyone who needs a nice girl to live with? I'm pretty easy to get along with!

Anyways, enough with that disgustingness. I'd like to forget about it ASAP.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Your mother was a hamster!

No, seriously...she was. What?? You didn't know? Oh to find out like this huh? Didn't you ever wonder why you preferred cedar woodchips to a mattress? Or what about your penchant for crawling through anything that slightly resembled a toilet paper tube? Weirdo.

Now that I've carried that way further than I probably should real reason for posting today. Anyone intersted in going to see Gaelic Storm with me this August for Irish Fest in Milwaukee? I've wanted to go for two years now and I've never been able to make it. Always some other stupid plan comes up (not to say my trip to Wyoming was stupid....). SO, this year I'm going to plan NOW and make it my top priority for those days in August. Nothing, not even a natural distaster could stop me from going. Ok, maybe a tsunami, but really, how many of those do we get in Wisconsin?? So, I'm trying to drum up some companionship for my Gaelic Storm quest. Apparently the fact that it was Ireland yesterday made me long for some good Irish culture.

Since I got such an outpouring of responses from my death match between the Gingerbread Man and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, I've been searching for something else just as clever and witty to draw my readers back. Alas, I've come up with nothing. Maybe I can steal someone else's idea and claim it's my own. *Sigh* I've got nothing. Oh well. Your father smells of elderberries. Take that.

Monday, December 06, 2004

It's Ireland today

Hmm..that sounds kinda funny hey? It IS Ireland today though. It's foggy and chilly, but the grass is still green. It reminds me a lot of Ireland. Which makes me happy. Hooray Ireland! In honor of that, I've declared today "All Gaelic Storm All the Time Day." Ok I'm really lame.

I figured I'd better get in and post, since I've recently been informed of new readership (Hi mom!) and since I haven't posted since last week sometime. Not to mention, I keep waiting for other people to post to no avail. Maybe I'll inspire someone else.'s top news stories:

I'm done with my paper!!! Wahoo!! The war of 1812 has been fought, Canada has been invaded, and we completely messed it up. Surprised? Not me!

T-minus 28 days until Colorado departure. It should be an interesting trip if anything, what with the snow and the mountains and the 14 HOURS OF DRIVING!!

Christmas shopping will begin tonight. AHH spending a lot of money. How enjoyable :). Hopefully I can find good gifts for everyone. That'd be a good thing.

Coming up on Sarah News at 10:

What is the common everyday product that could cause blindness in you, your children and your dog? Find out at 10. Hope you aren't already using it!

Lol ok, that was equally lame. I've come to find out that my sense of humor is exceedingly lame and dumb. That's ok. I don't mind being lame, since most people I hang around with have an equally lame sense of humor.

Well, thats enough random babbling for now. More at 10. Ok maybe not..that just sounded like a newsy thing to say.